Source Confirms Michael B. Jordan Will Play Human Torch

by on October 19, 2013

michaelbjordancastinfantasticfour-blackactor-www.blallywood.comMichael B. Jordan has officially signed on for the role of the human torch in the 2015 Fantastic Four film according to the website Schmoes Know . The site claims to have a connection with Michael Jordan’s agency. Right now its the only first party source that has confirmed the story. Rumors of Jordan being in the running for the role have been floating around for months, so the news isn’t a huge surprise.

The human torch can control and absorb fire, ignite is body in flames, and also has the ability to fly. He’s the youngest member of the Fantastic Four and is known for his wild behavior. It sounds like a fun role for Jordan. Are you a fan of the actor? Post why or why not in the comments.


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