Michelle Obama Speaks On Importance Of Arts Alongside Quvenzhané Wallis

by on February 14, 2013


Young Oscar nominated Beasts Of The Southern Wild actress Quvenzhané Wallis recently visited the White House along with director Benh Zeitlin and co-star Dwight Henry. The film was used for reference in a workshop speech in which Michelle Obama spoke to parents about the importance to art.

The Hollywood Reporter provided these quotes from Michelle Obama’s speech:

“It’s a movie that makes us all think deeply about the people we love in our lives who make us who we are,” she said. “It shows us the strength of our communities, no matter what they look like. It shows us that those communities can give us the power to overcome any kind of obstacles. And it also tells a compelling story of poverty and devastation but also of hope and love in the midst of some great challenges.”

“Quvenzhane, as you know, was just 5 years old when she auditioned for the film — just 5, OK. Now, she seems like a grown woman sitting up here. And I understand she often acts like one. But she was only 5, so hopefully she will tell you a little bit about how a 5-year-old learns those lines and learns how to take on the role of that character and to bring that character to life, which is why she has been nominated for an Academy Award. It was very profound. Amazing — and it doesn’t happen often.”

For more from Michelle, you can actually watch the entire workshop below:

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