Black Author On The Rise

by on February 9, 2013


The Last Joel Book Cover By Maxwell Divinity

Maxwell Divinity is a young black author on the rise. A graduate of Jackson State University with a degree in Speech Communications, Divinity is excited about his debut as an author. As a self published author, Divinity faced hardships with former publishing deals that went awry. The decision to self-publish was a long thought out decision but one he is very proud of.

Divinity’s book, “The Last Joel”, tells the story of Devin Michael Taylor who is ready to truly enjoy his senior year of high school. Joel, who is new to the lifestyle and loves being in love, is willing to try anything with that special someone. The hopeless romantic has fallen in love. Ignoring all warnings from ex-boyfriends, girlfriends and close buds, Joel struggles to keep his first real relationship whole. As their senior year begins to take its toll, it becomes obvious that Joel and Devin are not the only ones struggling. In the midst of all the chaos, Devin somehow finds time to continue to develop a relationship with Joel. Will Devin’s promiscuous ways influence Joel’s understanding of the lifestyle or can innocent Joel save Devin from his usual way of living? Is love the cure or will it become the poison?

With Countless hours of writing, little sleep, proof-reading and editing, and many peer reviews, “The Last Joel” was finally finished. Divinity looks forward to being a successful author so that he may share more of his works with his supporters. As a very close friend of this black author on the rise, my heart sings a song of praise as I congratulate my friend on his great achievement. I will be the first to show my support by being the first to purchase your first published book.

Let’s support this Black Author on the rise by purchasing a copy of “The Last Joel”. This book is available for download on E-Books at www.barnesandnoble.com and paperback at www.amazon.com . You can follow Maxwell Divinity on Twitter @MaxwellDivinity or on Instagram @dalastdivinity for more information about appearances and bookings.


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