Key & Peele Recap 2×10

by on December 2, 2012

Mankind has come to an end in this week’s opening. Jordan Peele is roaming deserted land in search of another human when he comes across Keegan. The only person he’s come into contact with in one-hundred-and-seventy-three days wears a rainbow colored afro, a lot of gold chains, white fur boots, and sexually harasses a mannequin. Peele decides to shoot the man and take his chances of maybe never finding another human. This week sketches include:

Earl Peele
Jordan goes to meet his father, a man who is not thrilled about the news and tries to prove otherwise to Jordan despite some of their gestures being performed perfectly in sync. Earl position changes when Jordan mentions his television show, now he’s mimicking Jordan’s every move, desperate to prove his is indeed his dad. Jordan mentions his show is on Comedy Central and Earl abandons his attempt then kicks Jordan out of his house.

We Getting a Baby!
“We gonna raise it, and feed it, and change it, and dress it up like a pea pod” Sammie and his extremely excited partner are beginning the process of adopting a child. In my opinion this is one of the funniest sketches of the season. LaShuan is so ready to adopt a child to participate in all his ideas he’ll do anything to speed the process up, including adopting more than one kid or a special needs child. Sammie isn’t happy about the direction their plans have taken and finds the exit as soon as he can.

The New Black Panther Party
The Camera man is having a hard time focusing on the Black Panther’s leader speech as one of the member standing behind Reggie Quivers demands attention, moving into every shot to make sure he is seen.

What is That?
Key and Peele ogle at another women this week and as they exchange sexually charged comments Peele’s statements seem to be honestly curious instead of holding the double meaning it should in these situations. Turns out Peele is an alien sent there to gain information.

The Laundry Matt
All businesses in the black community can’t be as fun and impactful as the barber shop. Uncle Ted feels the burden of not having that significance as his nephew Pete stops by one afternoon. The two can’t help but envy the energetic barber shop across the street. Things turn even worse when the spot legend Billie D Williams across the street and Pete tells his Uncle he’s bought a washer and dryer.

Jordan and Peele clash in another hilarious sketch as they try to outdo each other’s style. It’s all about who has the freshest cap on and the term freshest takes a literal definition as the two go at it.

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