Grey’s Anatomy Recap 9×06

by on November 18, 2012

This is a make it or break it episode and seemingly the end of a career. Things are not looking so good for Derek and Cristina has to deal with Owen and their new-found relationship.

Cristina is back and in full effect. She has two new interns on her hands and they have not even experienced the wrath of Cristina Yang. Cristina has to be reintroduced to Seattle grace and the guy for the job turns out to be Owen. During a one on one session, Owen informs Cristina on the new rules and regulations of the hospital and the new boss that she needs to consult before performing a surgery. Owen then hands a orientation packet and tells her, “Welcome Back.”

Cristina goes to visit the new boss, Russell, who appears to be in over his head. He had worked piled up to the ceiling but manages to have a brief conversation with Cristina. He gives her the heads up and sends her off to be in charge of her own surgeries. Since she has always had to report in, she has to adjust to her new-found freedom. It’s Cristina in Charge.

Meredith and Derek have already found their dream house, actually built it. Karev is now seeking to buy the old crew house from Meredith. A deal breaker comes in when Karev tells Meredith that he will not buy the house unless she renovates a few things. Meredith wants to know why he wants to buy the house and he has a valid answer. Karev want’s to feel like he has accomplished something because he feels as if it’s time for him to grow up. Buying the house would be his first step into “Manhood”.

Jackson and April are back at it again and I must admit that I love it. The two sex birds are in one of the many sex rooms going at it and then April happens. She begins to go on and on about how she broke her promise to Jesus and how she needed to stop having sex with Jackson. Because Jackson has feelings, he was quite offended by this. Jackson began avoiding April but she finally caught up with him. She pulled him aside into a room and there was almost an incident, until April began to nag again.

Elsewhere, there were representatives at Seattle Grace to help all the victims of the plane crash reach a settlement. The representatives wanted to know how everyone was physically affected because that would guarantee more money for the victims. When it came time to spill out their fillings, Cristina left the room because she couldn’t handle the emotional part.

Bailey had a very clever trick up her sleeve and it worked out perfectly. I’m pretty sure that Bailey knew about what problems Callie and Arizona had been facing, so she decided to help out. You know Bailey’s not one who likes people who feel sorry for themselves. Bailey had a case on a young man and she was not sure what was going on. This was all part of the plan. She called Arizona for her expertise, who was hesitant at first about helping, to get a better understanding of the case. Bailey tells Arizona that one of her interns has left a cat scan at her door. Arizona straps on her prosthetic leg and begins to walk. She takes a tumble but gets right back up and starts to walk again. She opens the door to find nothing there.

This was all part of the plan. Arizona calls Bailey who apologizes and blames it on her intern. Arizona is surely pissed off and takes it upon herself to make a visit to the hospital. Callie first see’s her through the window and is amazed that she is walking on her own. Bailey tells Callie to scram so that Arizona wouldn’t feel any pressure. Callie does as told. Bailey pretends that she is still lost on the case so Arizona takes it upon herself to show Bailey the ropes of the case.

There’s more. Apparently Webber mistakenly sent a raunchy email to Jackson. It was an honest mistake. Webber mistakenly sent the email to Jackson in hopes of sending it to Jackson’s mom. This happens a second time and Jackson tells Webber to “Fix It” because he does not want to continue receiving the emails nor think of Webber or his mom in such a manner. Webber has it fixed and tells Jackson that he secretly is happy that his mom has found someone who makes her happy and that’s why he’s being such a jerk.

Owen bashes Cristina in front of her interns for performing a surgery without having Russell sign off on it. He didn’t know that Cristina was in charge. He informs Cristina that she could be fired. When Russell meets with them both, he thanks Cristina for saving his patients life and mentions that Owen made a great choice by vying to get Cristina back. Someone still loves his ex wife but is afraid to tell her.

Cristina returns to her apartment and realizes that she can’t stay there because of the memories with Owen. She goes back to Meredith’s old house, which is now Karev’s house, and makes herself comfortable. Karev comes home to find Cristina there, who pleads with him to let her stay. Karev gives in and lets her know that rent is due on the first and
Back to the settlement, Callie tells the representatives what they want to hear. She tells them that she does not think that Derek will ever perform surgery again. He’s a little hurt by this. After Callie see’s Arizona up and walking, she goes back to recant her statement about Derek. She only said that because she felt like she failed him. She had hope again after seeing Arizona.that she needs to buy toilet tissue.

Jackson decided to make his move and tell his truth. He revealed to April, who was concerned that their relationship was only about sex, that she meant more to him than sex. Neither one had expected to develop feelings but it’s now clear that this relationship is about to get serious. Oh, I can’t wait.

P.S., this was a very special episode for Chandra Wilson (Bailey) who directed this episode. One of the case involved a homeless man who was diagnosed with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. This episode is very close to Chandra because one of her daughter’s was diagnosed with this very illness. Chandra has done a great job by bringing awareness of the illness to Hollywood and throughout many communities. Great episode and two more weeks until the next one.


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