Kid Cudi To Act in Romantic Comedy “Two Night Stand”

by on October 18, 2012


Kid Cudi is acting in an upcoming film titled Two Night Stand. The film is about two people who meet online and end up having a one night stand. The following morning the couple wakes to find they are snowed in and are forced to spend another night together.

Kid Cudi will play the boyfriend of the roommate to a member of the newly forged couple. Hollywood Reporter has said the film will be a directorial debut for Max Nichols.

Kid Cudi has two more unreleased films on his IMDB profile: Goodbye World, a comedy in post-production, and Tacoma, a thriller still in pre-production.

He has done a few short films and appeared on the TV show How To Make It In America. Have you seen these? If so, what are your feelings on his acting abilities?


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